
對高Sir而言意義更大,首先因為我在深圳創業,所以必定支持深圳出品,在香港演出,我們更要充當好主人家把這部深圳好作品分享予香港市民。第二,《詠春》在深圳保利劇院第100場演出時我入場看了深感震撼,再入場看在香港的第一場演出的意義十分巨大。第三,今晚我和『China Retold中國故事』國際傳播聯盟的兩位香港美女青年成員入場,她們看後大讚,她們表示會在社交平台以英文的演繹角度把看完舞台劇的感受分享到世界各地,第四,舞劇《詠春》成功在國際演藝市場打開「一扇門」,讓新時代講述中國故事的精品力作破圈出海、走向世界。高Sir認為我們可以加強深港合作,香港年輕演員多到内地和當地演員合作必定大有提升之外,深圳也可多來香港演出,借助香港「一國兩制」國際化的獨特優勢,透過香港這個中外文化藝術交流中心,讓世界更多人認識我們中國舞台劇已走在世界級數。最後高Sir預祝《詠春》舞劇在港演出場爆滿,感謝所有演員和台前幕後的工作人員,為香港市民送上這麼精彩的表演,歡迎大家多來香港演出和旅遊。
香港青年KOL支持深圳原創舞劇《詠春》舞劇 (元旦香港首演),拉開海外演出的大幕
Hong Kong youth KOL support SZ dance drama 『Wing Chun』
Theatre (New Year Hong Kong Premiere),will make its overseas at the Hong Kong
Toured over 100 performances in Mainland China and Singapore
Martial Arts X Dance X Drama
Wing Chun is a heroic story, a tribute to ordinary people.
「Wing Chun,」 a phenomenal dance drama that has taken China by storm since its premiere at the end of 2022, has been applauded by Chinese audiences for providing a brand-new theatrical experience that fuses dance and martial arts.
《詠春》是一部致敬平凡人的英雄故事。懷著對電影事業的熱愛,退休後的燈光師大春成為了電影檔案館的管理員。一份塵封多年的電影檔案,讓他陷入了拍攝電影《詠春》時的難忘記憶。 詠春、太極、八卦、八極、螳螂……精彩卓絕的武學招式、登峰造極的高手對壘,電影人以光影塑刻英雄的身影,原來這一個「造夢」的片場,便是夢想開始的地方,而每個追光的人,都在奔赴著自己的武林。
Holding an unyielding passion for the world of cinema, Dachun, a retired lighting designer, chose to work in a film archive. A dusty film archive brought him back to the unforgettable memories of filming Wing Chun. Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Baguazhang, Bajiquan, Praying Mantis Fist, some are fast and powerful, some are resilient and dexterous. In the thrilling martial arts world, matchups between top-notch masters are filled with excitement and strength. Likewise, in the film-making world, light and shadow are also like swords and fists, shaping the image of different heroes and bringing people’s dreams into reality.
One story takes place on a film set, where the theatrical crew of the dance drama 「Wing Chun」 is filming the story of Yip Man, a renowned teacher of the Chinese martial art Wing Chun. The other story depicts how Yip Man goes to Hong Kong to pursue a career promoting Wing Chun.In the spotlight, Master Yip Man firmly executes the first moves of Wing Chun, Siu Nim Tau, with the resounding ancestral motto "Support the Weak, Support Benevolence" shining behind him. Behind the camera, Cheung Wing-shing felt the pain of parting with Yip Man.
The drama features two stories that run in parallel and are switched seamlessly, with two scenes alternating on the stage.In an artistic framework of dual scenes and stories, the creators of 「Wing Chun」 have meshed two intangible cultural heritages – the martial art of Wing Chun and gambiered gauze (Xiangyunsha) – with flair and ingenuity.
「Wing Chun」 has been on a tour across China since this March, with a craze that has swept across the country, igniting the audiences』 enthusiasm. In June this year, the dance drama also received ecstatic acclaim from foreign diplomats and representatives of international organizations in China at the Beijing Poly Theatre.
Wing Chun is an original high-quality dance drama rarely seen on the Chinese arts stage in recent years. It is an artistic feast where martial arts and dance meet. Let us meet “The House of 72 Tenants", heroes and ordinary people with ideals on the stage.
場地: 演藝歌劇院
Venue: Academy Lyric Theatre
時間長度: 2小時20分鐘(包括一節中場休息)
Duration: Approx. 2 hours and 20 minutes (including an intermission)